Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Here are some pictures I've taken with a water theme. I played with Photoshop a bit. My computer is being weird right now and I can't move the pictures around like I want to.

And what is water with out children?


Harmony said...

Hello! I saw your link to my blog. I love that you're doing a water theme here--isn't it so cool to photograph? I think it's so hard to figure out what to do in Photoshop with though.

Keep up the good work! Thanks for the link!

Corine (@ComplicatedMama) said...

Great pictures!! :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!



Wow, your photography is terrific! I love the shower faucet pic.

Thanks for also commenting at my JTTB blog!

Debra Howard said...

Very cute blog. Enjoyed my visit so much.